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- PRODUCT LIST: (Form#940213)
- Product number Product name Cost
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1701 ] Sacred book of Evidence, over 350 big pages (version 08)....$40.00
- Documents, evidence, laws and commentaries show that the IRS
- has been holding back on the truth, that paying is VOLUNTARY,
- and that you can legally stop paying (Good Jurisdictional info.)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1702 ] Attaining Sovereign status..................................$35.00
- In this publication, you will receive all documents to break
- the contracts that you have been induced into signing via
- fraud by "your government servants."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1703 ] Defeat Traffic Citations, latest edition (version 08).......$35.00
- In this publication, you will receive absolute proof that
- the driver's license is a commercial contract and to use it
- forfeits certain rights. Also, it explains that you do not need
- permission to use your car on the road. You will learn the
- true nature of parking and moving tickets - and how to beat
- them! The book includes motions that have been used by the
- author. Some motions have been contributed by the readers
- of this book, after their own VICTORY in court.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1704 ] The Compleat Patriot book, by Phil Marsh.....................$9.00
- The book about fighting taxes, by one of the foremost
- leaders in the Patriot Movement today. Very eye-opening!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1705 ] The UCC Connection - Free yourself from legal Tyranny....... $9.00
- The proper application of the UCC defense by the foremost
- researcher of the Uniform Commercial Code, covers the
- meaning of "without prejudice, UCC 1-207" and shows you how
- to use it to fight in court and win. (Good additional
- study material for "Justice for All" audio tape)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1706 ] The Book of Law and Postage.................................$15.00
- How to mail 1st Class letters for 2 to 6 cents each.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1707 ] Citizen's rule book..........................................$2.50
- A study of Jury Rights and Obligations.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1708 ] Theocratic v. Democratic Money...............................$2.50
- A study of the origins of this monetary system.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1709 ] Communist-Capitalist Alliance................................$7.50
- Evidence, names, dates and places. Need I say more?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1710 ] Election'92: Toward a new constitution.......................$1.25
- Information about the plan that failed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1711 ] Zipcodes EXPOSED!............................................$0.25
- Jurisdictional opinion by Richard McDonald.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1712] To Harass our People.........................................$8.00
- About the IRS's and the government's abuse of power.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1713 ] The Sovereign Advisor Newspaper (Sample Issue)...............$1.00
- After you become a sovereign, then what? The Sovereign
- Advisor explains certain aspects of law to you.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1714 ] The Revelator................................................$1.00
- The complete history and origins of the goals of the
- banking families and the Federal Reserve System.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1715 ] IRS - The Endless Bummer T-shirt............................$14.00
- Proclaim your displeasure of the IRS. The shirt depicts
- a nuclear bomb explosion with "Victory over the Internal
- Ripoff Service."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1716 ] Parking un-enforcement T-shirt..............................$14.00
- Depicts a metermaid getting what he deserves - graphically
- illustrated!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1717 ] U.S. v. the State Constitution...............................$0.25
- Understanding State v. federal citizenship.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1718 ] Which one are you?..........................................$20.00
- The American non-resident, non-taxpayer, or United States
- citizen, resident taxpayer. This book tells you how to
- decide if you are subject to the federal and state income
- tax. It also proves how the government has lied to you.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1719 ] Money and Public Law 93-549..................................$5.00
- Raw legal information on the Bankruptcy of the United
- States, includes excerpts from certain "Executive Orders",
- Public Laws, and portions of Title 12. Very good for those
- interested in "money."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1720 ] FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency]...................$2.00
- Find out about the government's concentration camps and
- what they have in mind for U.S. citizens.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1721 ] The Overthrow of the U.S. Constitution.......................$5.00
- A report on regional government by Bernadine Smith, this
- report, published in 1972 documents happenings in California
- Government under then-governor Ronald Reagan.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1722 ] Assemblyman Willie Brown's plan to abolish the state.........$5.00
- This California Assemblyman's plan to abolish California
- cities and counties with the eventual abolishment of the
- California Republic in the process. A copy of the actual
- bill (Assembly Bill No. 3) is included in this package.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1723 ] The Original version of the "Declaration of Independence"....$3.50
- A comparision to the version later filed. In this version,
- he charged King George with slavery.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1724 ] Economic and Social Consequences of Disarmament.............$15.00
- This comprehensive report was prepared for delivery to
- government officials in California.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1725 ] Opposition to Constitutional Convention ("Con Con")..........$5.00
- These are the papers that successfully stopped the call
- for a new Constitutional Convention in California.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1726 ] The Paper War...............................................$15.00
- What you need to know in order to be successful against
- the confiscation, by the state, of citizen-owned firearms.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1730 ] Traffic case defense motions................................$25.00
- Includes complete motions for Jurisdictional challenge,
- suppressing the citation, requiring verified complaint,
- motions to dismiss, discovery, various writs, etc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1731 ] Book of Law and Motions.....................................$80.00
- Covering CVC, State Citizenship, UCC, Counsel of Choice
- and Jurisdiction. Includes all CVC defense motions, and
- much more! (Note: over 100 various motions, some are
- not on the disk)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1732 ] Speedy Trial package........................................$20.00
- includes complete motion compelling dismissal and copies
- of the supporting laws & case cites.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1733 ] Counsel of Choice package...................................$20.00
- Includes complete motion compelling the court to allow
- Counsel of one's own choice and the complete copy of the
- precedent setting case of Farretta vs. California.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1734 ] Demurrer package (For California)...........................$15.00
- There is more to an arraignment then entering a plea. You
- can file a demurrer in open court instead of entering a
- plea. This has been used as a jurisdictional challenge,
- and motion to dismiss before the arraignment or trial!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1735 ] 26 page legal brief on "Federal Jurisdiction"...............$10.00
- Legal brief to use whenever you need to show differences
- between the state and federal jurisdictions. Good for the
- jurisdictional challenge motions.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1736 ] Church Case Law, thousands of great 1st Amend case cites....$10.00
- Several thousand First Amendment case cites, great for
- motions and briefs covering all aspects of the 1st Amendment.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1740 ] U.S. v. State Citizenship, 120 min, 2 cassette, 04/04/91....$10.00
- An evening of questions and answers about State v. federal
- citizenship.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1741 ] The Law & Your Taxes........................................$10.00
- History, origins and hidden motives of the 13th and 14th
- "Amendments" to the U.S. Constitution.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1742 ] Justice for All by Howard Freeman (UCC, 6th Amend, Juris)...$10.00
- An evening of explaining the UCC and how to use it to win
- in court. Also, what to do to get the court to dismiss
- the charges, how to prepare an effective foundation for
- appeal at trial court level, understanding "silent
- judicial notice."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1743 ] The New World Order troops on U.S. Soil.....................$15.00
- A 60 minute audio tape of an important radio broadcast
- relative to bringing in foreign troops into the United
- States and other preparations for New World Order military
- control of U.S. citizens. This package will also include
- the L.A. Times black and white copy of the map of the
- dis-United States, State Department Document 7277 calling
- for general and complete disarmament of the U.S.,
- documents showing the transference of U.S. military bases
- to international (U.N.) control, plus other miscellaneous
- documents!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1744 ] The Hanford Initiative......................................$15.00
- Audio tape by California Senator Don Rogers explaining his
- pro-gun Constitutional Amendment bill. Upon passage of
- this bill, it will instantly make all past, present or
- future laws infringing upon the 2nd Amendment's right to
- bear arms totally inoperative. It will stop the intrusion
- and application of federal bills, specially such bills as
- Brady, Chafee or Owens, along with any and all other
- legislation which infringes upon the rights of the people
- of California. A hardcopy of the bill is included with tape.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1745 ] Regional Government Speech...................................$5.00
- Bernadine Smith of the Second Amendment Committee to Tulare
- County (California) officials on the evils of regional Gov't.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COMPUTER DISKS: IBM-PC or Compatible Specify Disk size: _____ 3.5 inch
- (Default size = 5.25 inch) (check one) _____ 5.25 inch
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1750 ] Disk of Law and Motions.....................................$80.00
- Covering CVC, State Citizenship, Counsel of Choice, UCC,
- the appellate process, Notices of Dishonor and Jurisdictional
- challenges and more!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1751 ] Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Speedy Trial..................$20.00
- Very complete, if the state has not brought the defendant
- to TRIAL within a certain time period from ARREST
- (From time of ticket in traffic cases) the court is
- compelled to dismiss, when you motion properly it is a
- mandatory dismissal - not discretionary!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1752 ] Traffic case defense motions on disk........................$40.00
- All motions in Traffic defense motions, plus some bonus
- writs not in book.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1753 ] Federal Jurisdiction (26 page legal brief)...................$5.00
- See above.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1754 ] Demurrer package (For California)...........................$15.00
- see above.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1760 ] SHAREWARE "Law and Truth"....................................$4.00
- Support material for UCC, good patriot primer.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1761 ] SHAREWARE "Case cites".......................................$4.00
- Hundreds of case cites, covering Constitutional law, taxes,
- admiralty, jurisdiction, common-law, 14th amendment, etc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1762 ] SHAREWARE "Citizens Bar Association".........................$4.00
- CBA magazine on disk.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1763 ] SHAREWARE "Great Documents of history".......................$4.00
- U.S. Constitution, California Constitution, Magna Carta,
- Declaration of Independence, plus more!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1764 ] SHAREWARE "Jury".............................................$4.00
- Jury Rights and Responsibilities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1765 ] SHAREWARE "Legal Dictionary".................................$4.00
- Legal words and meanings.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1766 ] SHAREWARE "Newstates of America Constitution"................$4.00
- Complete text of proposed Constitution submitted to the
- U.S. Government by Rockefeller.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1767 ] SHAREWARE "Traitor within the Gates".........................$4.00
- Well written introduction to the truth of the government.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1768 ] SHAREWARE "Constitutional Law"...............................$4.00
- Studies of Constitutional Law.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1769 ] SHAREWARE "Foundation (Constitutional law) Issue 1...........$4.00
- Extremely well done introduction to the Freedom Movement
- and effective court maneuvering based on hard core research.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1770 ] SHAREWARE "Foundation - Issues 1 & 2.........................$8.00
- MORE! MORE! MORE! of the above! Issues 1 & 2, as a set.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1771 ] SHAREWARE "Practice Court arguments".........................$4.00
- Bone up on your courtroom techniques with these effective
- arguments.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1772 ] SHAREWARE "Case cites on money"..............................$4.00
- Cases regarding what constitutes money and debts.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1773 ] SHAREWARE "Legal Dictionary (for wordprocessors).............$4.00
- Thousands of legal words, make your spell checking software
- understand law.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1774 ] SHAREWARE "Libertarian"......................................$8.00
- Great patriot information, heavy on Constitutional
- information. Very strong on Bill of Rights.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1775 ] SHAREWARE "Docket Master"....................................$4.00
- Great program to track your client's (or your own) court
- cases, reminds you of dead lines, case numbers, notes, etc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1777 ] SHAREWARE "Privacy Disk".....................................$4.00
- What is on your computer is no one else's business but your
- own! Protect your privacy with DES Standards data
- encryption. Preserve your client's (and your own) privacy.
- This disk comes with many different programs which can
- "overlap" each other, one encrypting the results of another,
- making it virtually impossible to decode. WARNING: Do NOT
- forget your selected passwords. We (or they) can not help
- you get your encrypted data back without the forgotten passwords!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1778 ] SHAREWARE "LawForms".........................................$8.00
- Over 2 megabytes worth of various legal forms, notices,
- laws, statutes, contracts, client form management
- database, plus much, much more! GREAT for Constitutional
- Counsels AND conventional attorneys alike. Highly recommended.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1779 ] SHAREWARE "citizenship".....................................$4.00
- Indepth research material on State v. federal citizenship,
- a "must have" for all soveriegns and those interested in
- sovereignty.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1780 ] SHAREWARE "Common Law Library"..............................$4.00
- Indepth research on the origins of the Common Law, and
- what the government has done to destroy them. This disk
- also contains the text of the constitutions of several of
- the individual states, the text of the U.S. Constitution.
- This disk is a must have for those interested in common
- law and learning to preserve/protect their rights.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1781 ] SHAREWARE "Vampire-2000".....................................$4.00
- Indepth analysis of the true imprimentation plans for the
- "New World Order." The data is written for police and law
- enforcement officers - but eye opening reading for all!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1782 ] SHAREWARE "Foundation, Issues 1, 2 and 3"...................$12.00
- More Foundation information! Great Disk!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1783 ] SHAREWARE "The Federal Zone".................................$4.00
- Doing battle with the IRS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1784 ] SHAREWARE "Database for published legal cases"...............$4.00
- Store details of legal cases: title, statutes, journal
- (book), year, volume, pages, court, keywords (6), notes
- (up to 64K worth). Search on up to 13 fields.
- Holds up to 25,000 records.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1785 ] SHAREWARE "The surrender of the United States"...............$2.00
- The document that surrendered the sovereignty of the United
- States to the United Nations. ("The New World Order")
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1786 ] SHAREWARE "The unauthorized (but true!) bio of George Bush....$4.00
- The background of George Bush, and the entire Bush Klan,
- including the dealings with the Nazi's during WW II and
- their dreams of a "New World Order" (THEIR order!). Includes
- a humorous screensaver showing the two faces of George Bush.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1788 ] SHAREWARE "Dred Scott v. SandFord"............................$4.00
- The entire text of the 'Dred Scott' U.S. Supreme Court case.
- This case is one of the nation's leading 'precident' cases
- for citizenship.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1789 ] SHAREWARE "How to complete a FOIA request to the Government...$4.00
- Did you ever wonder what Big Brother knows about you
- personally? There are over 50 government agencies that each
- could have a file on you! The FBI, IRS, DEA, CIA, BATF, and
- all the other organizations of the government. Through this
- disk, learn how to process a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- request. It includes complete directions, forms, and even
- how to appeal the request!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1790 ] SHAREWARE "How to disappear and live free"....................$4.00
- Over 100 day to day things you can do to preserve your
- absolute privacy - whether it be from Big Brother or some
- other obsessively nosy or self rightous person or agency.
- Recommended very highly to those people who value privacy.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1791 ] SHAREWARE "The Federalist Papers".............................$4.00
- The entire text of all the Federalist papers written by the
- founding fathers of the United States of America.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1792 ] SHAREWARE "The complete history of money".....................$8.00
- This file tells you the entire story of money, usury,
- and the Federal Reserve.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1793 ] SHAREWARE "Federal Jurisdiction"..............................$8.00
- Exetremely comprehensive congressional/attorney general
- report on the true federal jurisdiction. Note: This report
- is hundreds of pages long and available in "WordPerfect"
- format. (Convertable to any word processor - of course)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1794 ] SHAREWARE "The Right to Keep and Bear Arms"...................$4.00
- This disk goes into detail on the legal definations of
- weapons, 2nd Amendment case cites, the text of the "Brady
- Bill," and the true intent (with proof) of the Brady Bill.
- This disk is a must for gun owners who want to keep them!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1795 ] SHAREWARE "The McAvery Intelligence Newsletter"...............$4.00
- This program contains some of the most shocking data on what
- the government is doing to day to destroy the Constitutional
- provisions designed to protect your property thru "forfeiture
- laws." Plus much more!!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1796 ] SHAREWARE "The conspiracy of 300".............................$4.00
- This disk contains the complete text, with names, dates and
- events presented in a true intent and meaning, this material
- is authored by an ex-intelligence agent who was there, and
- understood the truth and now wants to share it with the
- public. This file contains proof. Includes complete
- chart layout for the "300."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1797 ] SHAREWARE "A study of the Great Seal of the United States"....$3.00
- A study of the Great Seal of the United States which covers
- the possible symbolic aspects of the Great Seal. This
- research also covers its origins, which some say can be
- traced back for 4,000 years, along with a 20th Century
- scientific discovery which shows its hidden meanings.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1798 ] SHAREWARE "A basic introduction to law".......................$4.00
- A very good electronic book that covers many types of law,
- it is written in an easy to follow format - ideal as an
- introduction into the study and understanding of law.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1799 ] SHAREWARE "Citizen's Rule Book"...............................$4.00
- A study of jury's rights and obligations.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1950 ] SHAREWARE "New World Order"...................................$4.00
- Lots of files covering all aspects of the New World Order,
- FEMA, etc...what you don't know can kill you!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1951 ] SHAREWARE "How Clinton plans to 'RE-INVENT' government".......$4.00
- Learn what Clinton is planning to do by the re-invention
- of government. Don't trust them to make your decisions
- for you! In this electronic book you will find an effective
- method for you to let yourself be heard.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1984 ] SHAREWARE "1984 or Various ways the gov't suspends privacy"...$4.00
- This disk covers brainwashing, the Clipper chip - used for
- listening in on private phone calls, Tempest technology -
- used to tap in on what is on your computer screen at any
- moment, President Clinton's bill to outlaw EVERY method of
- encryption but his own (DES), complete tutorial about
- encryption, exact way the gov't will be structured under the
- United Nations, methods to be used to disarm the citizens,
- the executive orders (including numbers) that will be
- activated to achieve this goal! Plus MUCH more!!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1800 ] 2 hour "lesson" on U.S. v. State citizenship................$50.00
- Includes tape and materials, provided by Common Law Service
- Center of Beverly Hills. Lecturer: Richard McDonald.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1801 ] 90 minute "class" given in Seattle, Washington (1992).......$50.00
- about jurisdiction, State vs. federal citizenship,
- taxes, traffic and parking tickets, etc.
- Lecturer: David Starr, Ph.D. (Constitutional Law)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1802 ] Speech by Bernadine Smith to Republican Committee...........$35.00
- Bernadine Smith of the Second amendment Committee speaks to
- the California Association of Republican (Central County)
- Committee Members, in which she received their support in
- creating an investigation into why public officials keep
- writing unlawful acts and why they are trying so very hard
- to take the firearms away from the people. This tape also
- explains what exactly the "New World Order" is all about.
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1900 ] The Medical Monopoly vs. Your Freedom to Choose..............$5.00
- In order to help line the pockets of the greedy medical
- monopoly with more and more of your hard earned money,
- perfectly legitimate, and surprisingly inexpensive
- alternative medical treatments (such as chelation therapy,
- which, in literally thousands of cases, has CURED chronic
- heart disease) are gradually being harrassed out of
- existence by the government. The "Medi-Crats" favor much
- more expensive, barbaric and potentially life-threatening
- treatments (such as their "slash and burn" cancer treatments)
- with which they can drain you financially, before you finally
- succumb to whatever illness they've been "treating" you for.
- Learn the truth, and live!! A must for anyone undergoing
- "treatment" for "terminal illnesses."
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1901 ] The taxpayer's Bill of Rights................................$5.00
- After the murder of Bill Smiley of Salem, West Virginia,
- by two armed IRS agents, congress saw the urgent need to
- curtail the IRS. This is the inside story of the taxpayer's
- bill of rights - it's advantages, and it's limitations.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1902 ] Drugs, Banks and Money Laundering............................$5.00
- The sordid story that the news media is not telling you.
- You've heard about the government's "war on drugs." But
- fact is that the big banks, and certain former and present
- government officials, are personally responsible for today's
- horrible drug crisis. Included in this report is the
- amazing eyewitness testimony of Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz.
- He reveals the truth behind the herion trafficking in
- Southeast Asia by high ranking U.S. Diplomats and
- intelligence officials. This report names names! Both
- names of the past and of the present!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1903 ] The Secret plan to uproot the U.S. Constitution..............$5.00
- Did you know that Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, was
- a member in good standing of a secretive group of
- intellectuals and politicians who advocate the immediate
- scrapping of the U.S. Constitution? It's true, and in
- public testimony Thornburgh himself has called for major
- "structural changes" in our form of government. And here
- (in their own words) is the kind of change that Thornburgh
- and his associates have endorsed: "The change will require
- major surgery . . . and yet a guiding principle should be to
- write the new Constitution in a way which permits considerable
- leeway." Are you ready for a new, socialist parliamentary
- form of government for America? Tired of the Bill of Rights?
- Thornburgh and his shadowy associates apparently are.
- Now you can know precisely what they're up to!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1904 ] How you will be affected by a One-World Government...........$5.00
- For the last few years, the Establishment (government) press
- has been abuzz with news about the coming economic merger of
- the free nations of Europe into one big "superstate" in which
- all national borders will be dissolved and passports abolished.
- What the press hasn't told you is that the newly-emerging
- European Superstate is just the prelude to a long-planned
- "One World Government" -- a centralized government to which
- the United States and the rest of the world's countries would
- eventually become subservient. What will life be like under
- the coming One-World Government? Is this what George Bush
- means by his "New World Order"? Who's behind it all? And
- what does all of this mean for your future? You will find
- out in this special investigative report.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ 1905 ] Inside the Bilderbergers.....................................$7.00
- Have you heard of the "Bilderbergers"? Who are they? How
- do they affect YOU? And why hasn't the Establishment news
- media told you anything about them? You see, the
- Bilderbergers are a secret group of powerful financiers,
- wealthy corporate luminaries, handpicked politicos -- and
- newscasters and journalist -- from around the world who meet
- quietly every year in some out-of-the-way luxury hotel to
- plan the economic and political policies of the so-called
- "free" world. Do you want solid, well documented proof
- of those meetings, and who attends them? This report contains
- that, and more!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You may order sample pages from the following publications, indicate
- number of pages per book, then total them on the order form.
- pages name of book pages name of book
- [_____] Attaining SOVEREIGN status [_____] Defeat Traffic Citations
- [_____] Defeat Traffic Citations [_____] Sacred Book of Evidence
- [_____] Book of Law and Motions [_____] Federal Jurisdiction brief
- [_____] CVC defense motions